In order to promote and popularize Šumadija wines, IV Šumadija Wine Festival was held on 10th of June 2017 organized by Šumadija winemakers association, in the yard of Royal winery on Oplenac for all the wine experts, admirers and lovers.
This manifestation, which has already started to expand, mirrors the idea of Šumadija winemakers association to make this region a recognized wine destination on the European level, for which there are real chances.
This year’s Festival was especially important for our winery, as well as for all the fans of Art Wine wines.
On the IV Šumadija Wine Festival in Topola, our NEW MERLOT 2015 – SUMARUM was presented for the first time to all the visitors and there were, to our great satisfaction, many of them.
Thanks to great positive reactions and marks by our greatest wine experts, we can safely say that SAMARUM was the star of the IV Šumadija Wine Festival.
Its popularity has just begun…